Citadel Island forum rules - Read before posting!!

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Citadel Island forum rules - Read before posting!!

Post by Battler »

This thread contains the forum rules. Free discussion about this thread or contributions to it goes in here.

These are the forum rules, and they apply everywhere:
  • No warez (or links to sites with in), because it's illegal and illegal stuff doesn't belong here - the exception is software that is at least 10 years old and out of support (the BetaArchive standard), and is version-specific (eg. pirated copies of the GoG or Steam releases of the LBA games are a no-no), also absolutely NO cracks or key generators, and do *NOT* post Windows XP or later or Office 2000 or later, see the DMCA post on WinWorld for why;
  • No porn (or links to it), this is a site for everybody so act like it;
  • No stuff that might offend people (like religious stuff), it is allowed to talk about this, just don't take it too far, and absolutely NO politics;
  • Post in the right forums (the general for is for LBA only threads);
  • No spamming/repeating/double posts/cross-posts/shouting (default rules on every forum on the internet - shoting is writing in ALL CAPS and bold, etc., in the International section, also writing in Japanese in ALL KATAKANA);
  • Don't attach copyrighted material unless: a) you own the rights; b) have permission; c) is allowed according to German, Slovenian, or international copyright law (if unsure, ask);
  • Before you ask a question, search the forum, your question may already be answered;
  • If you're new, don't start posting a lot of threads at once, you can't create a nice discussion with people if your are talking about a lot of stuff at once;
  • When a thread is getting very large (a few pages), consider to open a new thread, usually long threads end in a very different discussion, open a new thread, refernce the new and old thread (and maybe ask a moderator to close the old thread);
  • If a thread is closed, do not make a new thread to continue the closed discussion. If you feel that you MUST reopen the discussion, contact a staff member;
  • Default language is English. If you post something in a different language also post a translation. We don't mind if your post contains bad English or word of another language if you don't know them but remember that most members only have English as their (first or) second language. The exception is the International section where all languages are allowed.
  • Please do not spam the off-topic section;
  • Please do not try to make the largest thread in the world and start spamming;
  • Please do not use anyone's picture on this board and start editing without asking first;
  • Do not use the off-topic section for Personal messages. There is a PM system;
  • There is a button with 'Edit' on it. If you make a mistake, edit your post. Do not reply with a correction;
  • Don't cross post (posting identical threads in several forums at once). Don't worry we won't read something. We will;
  • Absolutely no flaming, especially NOT in a discussion. This includes stuff like "fuck off" or anything else you use to express the company of the other is not appreciated due to his opinion, also absolutely NO bashing of either 2.21 or the Magicball Network Forums or any of their members;
  • Nothing that's just cheap baseless way to "point score" against the other side. (insulting family, culture, etc.);
  • Your are allowed to argue and disagree, as long as its on topic, relevant with no-personal attacks;
  • Second accounts or sock puppeting (multiple accounts from one person) are not allowed. This is due to spam-practice and trolling. Plus, more than 1 user name for a single person creates confusion;
  • Do not post unless at least 1 person posted after your last post. Give others a chance to post. This is a forum, not a chat box. Even if your posts are on topic, this board is not meant for two or three people posting masses of one-lined messages in a short time. In other words: do not post at every opportunity you see, wait for others to post. Of course there are exceptions, like if no one posted for a long time, or if you feel you have something really important to say;
  • Only use your own account. Don't log in from your friend's account, this creates even more confusion than second accounts, and is NOT allowed in here unless you got a really good reason;
  • If you're banned, don't bother registering again. This will only get your ban period to expand, and will make us like you less.

Additional signature rules:
  • Increasing the font above normal values (size 2) is frowned upon, larger than 3 isn't allowed;
  • Your signature should not be larger than 5 lines with the normal font size.

Not following these rules will result in a warning on the first offense, then temporary ban, followed by a parmanent ban.

NOTE: We define permanent ban as indefinite-length ban so we decide if and when to unban you, not an unconditional ban for life withour parole. The only exception bans for anything illegal, in which case, we are also going to contact the relevant authorities. This also includes posting commercial spam, which will result in an instant ban. Our moderation system and spam detection is good enough to prevent you from creating enough exposure.
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